Thursday, October 20, 2016

Sample run of an All-Farmable Dragons B10 Team

A friend requested that I make a sample video for a Dragons B10 team. So here I am doing that.
On the cast is Veromos, Belladeon, Darion, Spectra, and Shailoq. I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Anti-Thesis All Farmable Giants B10 Team

As promised on my previous video, here is a list of monsters which all newcomers to the game can easily acquire and use for the various Cairos Dungeons, Giants, Dragons, and Necropolis.

Giants B10 Team
The monster team you need here needs only simple synergy. The boss attacks with an AoE left hook punch that can easily wipe your team out. But not to worry, with the right team and the right runes, you'll be able to start hunting superior runes to boost your monster performance.
On this list of monsters are:
(Photo credits to
Bernard - Wind Griffon
Shannon - Wind Pixie
Belladeon - Light Inugami
Darion - Light Vagabond
Konamiya - Water Garuda

Why does this set-up work?

It's because:
  1. The entire team has synergy, meaning to say that their skills complement each other's skills in order to defeat the Water Giant Boss. Bernard can reduce armor and attack and boost the speed of the entire team. Shannon put glancing hit debuff on the boss, puts slow, and buffs the attack and defense of the entire team. Belladeon puts on reduce armor, removes the attack buff on the boss, and is the "Big" heal of the entire team. Konamiya cleanses (removes all debuffs on the team) and is the "small heal" for the entire team. Lastly, Darion puts reduce armor debuff and reduce attack debuff on the Boss, and of course reduces the entire damage taken by the entire team with his passive skill Knighthood. If you may observe, the skills of the team members reduces the offensive power of the boss and increases the survival chances of the entire team.
  2. It is easy to put all of their skills at maximum levels. Pixies, Vagabonds, and Garudas may be purchased at the magic shop. Also, they are easily acquired from summoning with social points and unknown scrolls. Lastly, these three have Secret Dungeons on almost all elements. As for Inugamis and Griffons, they food you need to level up their skills can be acquired from summoning using social points and unknown scrolls. Also, there are Secret Dungeons as well. And they drop from grinding in scenarios.
  3. The team can survive the Giants B10 dungeons even with only 5✰ runes upgraded to +12.
How to rune them.
Would you believe that this team would survive even if all of them were given all energy 5✰ runes? As long as you make all of the runes +12, the monsters would be able to meet the minimum requirements for them to survive and finish the Giants B10 dungeon even in auto mode.

What are the minimum requirements?
The minimum requirements for this team to survive is quite simple. All of them just need to have a total of 150 Speed, 13,000 HP and 700 Defense. These values are not that hard to achieve. You can simply put in all energy runes (speed, hp, hp on slots 2,4,6 respectively) and viola, you have a working Giants B10 team.

I hope I made these satisfactorily clear enough for all of you who would take their time to read this so that you won't go like

Thanks for reading. Happy rune hunting. And I'll see you on my next post.
Watch my Summoners War Videos on Youtube by clicking here.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Anti-Thesis Progression Tips for New Summoners

Recently, I have noticed that there has been an increase in the number of players of the game.
Why do I say so, you ask? Because there are more people in various channels and in different groups asking questions like:
"Which do I 6-star next?" or "Which is better, this or that monster?"
Well, worry not newbies, here is a video discussing what you might want to do next...
A video for noobs, made by a noob.
I hope you find this entertaining and informative. See you on my next post.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

My First SW Video: Summoning with ToA Rewards

As promised, here's my very first video on Summoners War. This is just a simple video of me summoning using the rewards from climbing up the Trial of Ascension Normal.
Pardon me for some of the awkward silences here. For some reason I seem to be nervous while recording. How noob of me.
But anyway, I hope you like this vid.
See you on my next post.

Anti-Thesis begins Youtube videos on mobile game Summoners War

Hey what's up what's up?
That is the common introductory line by in most Summoners War videos all over youtube.
Among my favorites were videos by YDCB, Jewbagel, and Berk. Their videos are entertaining and fun in addition to serving its purpose of being helpful to players of the game.
However, there seem to be no one from 3rd world countries who post videos on Summoners War. So I thought maybe I'd give it a shot.
Wish me luck for I'll be starting to make my first one in a few hours.
See you on my next post. :)