It's funny how you get lucky when you weren't expecting anything. I have been quite busy in the past few days with work. And as I decided to make another summoning session video for myself as a start. Now I wasn't really expecting to get any Nat 5's today, but as luck would have it, I did.
Here's the short video of how I got this pretty Hell Lady here...
And here she is. No runes, not awakened, no nothing. LooooooooooooL....
I can't decide how I'm going to rune her at the moment as I lack maxed up runes.
Have you ever done a summoning session with a lot of failure towards your excitement?
Well, if you haven't, then here's mine. The criiiiiiiiiiiiinge, oh the cringe. LooooooooooooL
So I just had some shower thoughts (no, not pervy ones) regarding how a Summoners War player sees most days... And in order for me to present to you my thoughts (again, not pervy ones), allow me to do that in the form of this rage comic.
I do hope you get a laugh out of it 'coz I did. LooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL
Also, check out my Summoners War Videos here at my youtube channel. Feel free to like, share, and subscribe. I hope you enjoy and as usual, I'll see you on my next post.
If you have been playing for quite some time now and if you have been hunting runes at the Giants B10 Dungeon, it is quite possible that you may want to speed up your rune farming process. This is where a speed team comes in handy.
What's a speed team?
Typically, a run would take about 3 minutes on average. A speed team can finish the same dungeon in about 90 seconds or less
So what do you need?
IMO, I believe there could be 2 approaches here:
CC-Dotter team- A team comprised of quick acting speed buffer and speed debuffer paired with Continuous Damage dealing monsters. I'd highly recommend the use of the Orochi as lead, with Bernard, Shannon, Akhamamir, and Mav.
Speed Nuke team - A team composed of an attack buffer and hard hitting AOE monsters which can wipe everything within a turn or two. Commonly, you'd see people using a Lushen lead, with Shannon or Galleon as buffer, and then other nukers such as Akhamamir, Taor, a second Lushen, or even a pair of Tarqs.
What are the requirements?
Obviously, what you primarily need is enough speed (aroud 190 or higher total speed for each monster) to out run the boss. And of course, speed tuning. You'd definitely want your buffer to move first before your hitters. Second, you'd want enough accuracy for the CC team, or enough firepower for the Nuke team.
I hope this helps. If you'd like to see some videos of it in action, check out my sample giants b10 speed team right here below.
Alright, I'm quite sorry for the 10-day-long absence. I had some personal matters to attend to. But to start it all up, I'll be doing a summoning session for one of my guildmates here at the global server.
Shout out to all my guildies and the people at Ch 143.