Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Optimizing Vanessa - The Fire Valkyrja

If you'd care to look at the monster discussion in-game and other forum threads, whenever they talk about Vanessa, majority of what you'd be seeing are the "BUFF HER PLEASE" comments.

You'd see a lot of people saying that she is just a monster that you put in arena just for her speed leader skill. A lot of people have also been posting ideas about what kind of "buffs" may be done to buff her with enough balance to the game.

However, my personal opinion says that I should beg to differ.
Here are my key points as to why I already think that Vanessa is just fine as she already is:

  1. She is one of the few with 33% Arena speed lead skill. Arguably one of the main reasons why you bring her along.
  2. Her S1 and S2 already do more than decent contribution. These skills can hit somewhere around 4K for S1 and around 8K for S2.
  3. Her revive is already decent as it is. There are a lot of arguments saying that her revive is only comparable to a Nat3 monster. However, I do believe that her revive skill I believe must be used with proper tempo.
A lot of people may disagree with me but let me ask you this...
Have you ever considered building your Vanessa as a hybrid instead of a full blown HP Tank?
Because if you haven't, I strongly suggest that you do try it out.

As a hybrid, there becomes more significant use for her. To enumerate:
  1. She maintains being a decent tank but gets to have some fire power in the game. I placed runes with ATK% substats. Why? Her base attack is decently high enough already. Make use of it.
  2. With enough ATK substats, she takes the role of a follow through hitter. Imagine having Vanessa hit surviving targets right after a Lushen amputates. That's right, you get to kill one and have an automatic chance to kill a second one.
  3. Giving her a certain boost in speed makes her do more. Specially if she has violent runes, her skills cooldown faster so she gets to debuff and have the revive ready more often.
  4. She gets to be more flexible and can be used for other situations apart from arena.
So, with all that said, I guess I made some of my points why I'm wondering how come people are whining that Vanessa "needs a buff".

I'll leave this for now. See you on my next post.

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