Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Problem with Modern Feminists

Feminism has always been the term connoted with the activities and efforts by groups in order for women to have the same rights and privileges. Most prominent and important was the right of suffrage (AKA the right to vote) which was part of the movement for eradicating legal inequalities some time in the 19th century.Today, it is already a known fact that constitutional rights equally apply for both men and women. We all have the same rights, the same privileges. And it makes me wonder what are they still fighting for.

Which is why I did some research and as far as I can see, the most prominent issues brought up by today's feminists are the "Wage Gap" and most recently is the patriarchy in the English language. I'm writing this article simply because I am amazed at how clever modern feminists are at making issues.

The Wage Gap issue is the one where modern feminists argue that females earn 77% of what males earn. The genius modern feminists seemed to have a valid point at first, however, the case only made them look ignorant of how statistics work because, well, they did not do correct statistical analysis.

I can explain the invalidity of the modern feminist claim, but the video below just explains it much better than I can.

On the other hand is the "Patriarchy" in the English language where it was deemed as sexist by some Tumblr user. I frankly could not comprehend what the fuzz is about but the image below seemed to be the summary of what the Tumblr user has to say.

Image from
Image Credits to Richard Tipping

It's funny to hear the argument. And what's even funnier is that the one who deemed the English language to be sexist does not even seem to understand etymology. It's funny since it looks like an argument of a toddler with wordplay and puns, at a less intellectual fashion.

In summary, I find today's modern feminists amusing at the very most. Simply because the goal of feminism has long been achieved. Why do I say so? Because the basic constitutional rights applies to each and everyone. Males and females have the same constitutional rights. That is equality. That is what feminist movements aimed to achieve before.

At this point, I would just like to summarize my opinion regarding the movements of the modern feminist. And I'll be doing that with a rage comic.

Lastly, I expect that a lot of the so called modern feminists would be triggered by this article. And that is actually fine by me. However, this article is just a manifestation of me exercising my right to free speech. On the other hand....

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