Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Grade is Back on the platform

It's been more than a week since the new year and I have to say that I just came across something to look forward to for the year.  After more than a year being off the grid, I'm more than happy to have just found out that one of my favorite youtubers is back in the game, Grade A Under A.

I've been a fan since I first found one of his rage videos which were made with tremendous production efforts (sarcasm intended, though it actually adds to the entertainment value of the videos). His channel has taken many twists and turns previously, but I think Grade is back on track with the usual rant and rage that tackles the morbid stupidity in first world problems and issues.

Don't believe me? Then have a taste of his January 1, 2019 video embedded right down below. Also, please read the disclaimer before you push the play button; just in case....

Disclaimer: If you get offended by this video, please remember that I don't care.

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