Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Flight Anti-Thesis 001

I am now a PILOT and Anti-Thesis Flight 001 is about to take off.

All of us have dreams from our childhood that we wish to accomplish. If you may recall, as a kid, you might have been asked what you want to be when you grow up and your answers are some kind of profession. Maybe your answer was "I want to be a doctor." or "I want to be an engineer." or something like that. Mine was something like "I want to be a pilot."

Now, I'm sure all of you have heard of that old saying,

"Make a living out of something you love doing

and you will never work again in your life."

I can't recall the name of the important person who coined that or something similar, but it really rubbed onto me while growing up. And I really wanted to achieve that. Funny enough, you find resolutions out of something unexpected. Fate has a way of doing that, don't you think?

About a week ago, I offered giving account piloting services for Summoners War. Glad to say that I'm doing okay within the first few days of it. I actually invested in some additional hardware a few hours ago, and it's starting to feel so much worth it. Getting payed to play really does sound nice.

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