Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Marketing Note to Self: Inspirational Bull Always gets Trending

So the video above got to trending across a lot of social media platforms. It's got 47k views on Youtube and 1.6M views on Facebook 3 hours after it got posted. So I gave it a chance and watched it. No wonder, it went viral in a short period of time. It's a brilliant illogical mess.

Why? Let me break it down for you. Here's some key "inspirational" points in the video that made no sense if you put it in a realistic context.

  1. All of us got 86,400 seconds to spend in a day. But most people don't have available quality stores to spend their time into. Life ain't fair. Deal with it.
  2. Time was said to be more valuable than money. Yet people need to spend time and other resources in order earn money. What's the point right here again? No matter how you look at it, you sell your time to the highest bidder which is your source of income. That's just how it goes since the beginning of time.
  3. It's ironic how this video just wasted your time. (I'm sharing this to waste your time too, you know xD)
  4. It may be inspirational, but show this video to people who had the roughest lives and they'd tell you that it's realistically bullshit.
  5. I think majority of the people would agree that it's so much better to say that "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted." instead of watching this entire video trying to get to the point, whatever the heck it is.

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