Sunday, May 6, 2018

Starting a Candy Company: Elon Musk says he is Super Serious

So this happened. Elon Musk tweeted about starting his very own candy company; and he is super super serious about it. As a marketing person, I tweeted fast as I could how I'd be more than willing to be part of his distribution team.
It is quite understandable that the tweet is baffling for most of Elon's fans and followers, including myself. It is indeed quite an unusual turn for him and his companies' track record to make a shift from producing rockets, automated electric cars, and flamethrowers.

What's even more astounding is that we know how unpredictable he is. A simple tweet of an idea such as this might just be the next big thing he focuses his mind on. For all we know, he might be already in production.

Now further onto the much more fun side, thinking of a name for his candies might prove to be exciting and mind-stimulating. As of the moment, some people are already tweeting about what to have for a brand name. And it is always fun reading on as it displays creativity.

As for me, I'm inclined towards a brand name that goes along the lines of "Elon's Musky Treats" or something like that. What about you? Don't hesitate to comment down or tweet what you got in mind.

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