Thursday, May 3, 2018

Some things that really grinds my gears

I'm quite allergic to seeing emotional bullshit on social media. I mean, there are a lot of bullshitry out there that goes viral. And it's funny how such things are just quasi-justifications of people with bad manners for their stupidity and actions.
For example, I chanced upon the image below just this morning. The comic is trying to present an idea that one thing could be looked at differently. Yes indeed, there are always more than one perspective to look at something. However, the notion that both could be correct in the comic below is outrageously ignorant.

Seriously, the use of logic at a daily basis seems to be decreasing by the hour. Looking back at the image, it is quite obvious that the number was written by a person. And obviously, the one who wrote it had an intention of what it is. With that in mind, one person in the image is definitely mistaken.

Also, there are always more relevant information to consider before making a logical conclusion for the picture. For example, the number could have been written down there along with other numbers. Try to find a pattern within it and arrive at a logical conclusion. God damn it. Try to use those brain cells more often.

Another one that really triggers the rage in me is the "You know my name but not my story" crap. And it's always something like the image below: The quote + a name of somebody like a celebrity.

I don't know how this is seen as something inspirational or something good. But I always have sarcastic replies readily at hand whenever I see one. And the most favorite one I got is this:

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