Saturday, February 24, 2018

Shootings in USA: The Most WTF Issue in 1st Quarter of 2018

As I was browsing the web for news (and at the same time 9gag), the issue of school shootings in the US caught my attention. It was definitely a WTF moment for me because my initial reaction was...
Image from the tweet of  @brooklynn_kayy
This piqued my interest which led me to do some light research on the matter. Honestly, I was taken aback with the search results. I saw an article dated 20th of February 2018 where it mentioned that 18 shooting incidents have already occurred.

What came next is a barrage of #PrayersFor(Insert Location) social media posts. Now I do understand that people mean well when they do that. However, such things without action amount to nothing. In line with that, respect to Wil Wheaton for being the voice of logic on this one and the awesome burn.

Credits to 9gagger OP of the Burn
Further, politicians naturally took a dip into the issue. However, news regarding such are more derpy than the 9gag home page. And by derpy, I mean it in every context of the word since US legislators seem to be inclined towards a solution of "Arming and Training Educators" instead of implementing and updating their current gun laws.

By the looks of it, even the solution proposed by Chris Rock in his stand up in 1999 seems like a better solution to the current problem. You don't need gun control, you need bullet control!

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