Thursday, July 21, 2016

Top 3 Reasons Leading to Pokemon GO Related Accidents

One of the most recently trending things globally today is Pokemon GO. Hoo-haaah! 90's nostalgia! Why you ask? Because the first Pokemon games were released by Nintendo for the handheld console GameBoy on 1996. That is why a large portion of the people playing it today are, well, 90's kids. According to a news article, over 40% of its players today are aged 25 and up. This is the generation who played Pokemon for hours, where battling and trading was essential and done using a Link Cable, and the generation who rages like

However today, there are numerous news and reports of accidents relating to playing Pokemon GO. The accidents vary from the simplest fall while walking up to even crashing a car. Crashing a fricking car. Don't believe me? Check it out right here.
I am one of the 90's kids. But seriously, this makes me want to do this: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Here's a rage comic so I better show you my reaction and how I feel towards the news article of a guy crashing his car because he's playing while driving.

Feel me now? Ok. Good. Moving, some organizations are reported to see the game as the main cause of the accidents for various reasons. However, I did some simple research on the web and I found something extremely crucial: The Terms of Service of Pokemon GO.
You can read the entirety of the terms by clicking right here. But here is my point, there is a "Safe Play" clause in there. The first sentence written under it is this:

"During game play, please be aware of your surroundings and play safely. You agree that your use of the App and play of the game is at your own risk, and it is your responsibility to maintain such health, liability, hazard, personal injury, medical, life, and other insurance policies as you deem reasonably necessary for any injuries that you may incur while using the Services." Source:

Please be aware of your surroundings! You cannot be 100% of your surroundings if you are focused on one thing, your phone. Let alone be doing that while driving, genius.

Okay. Going back on track, here are the reasons leading to the Pokemon GO related accidents.

  1. Players did not fully read the Terms of Service. I think this is something I understand. Why? Because most people would just say
  2. The ones involved in the accidents seem to have no common sense. Although it is saddening, common sense these days is not so common. It's rare; probably as rare as finding a Mewtwo.
  3. With reason number 2 being mentioned, some people just tend to be dumb.
Well, I think I've written enough on this. And of course since this may seem like a long post, here is your potato
Potato credits to source:

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