Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Reasons to Blog + How I started blogging

Hi there. Welcome to my first blog posting. And for this post, let me tell you a story of how I came to start blogging. So here goes...
It started when I read some articles on reasons to start blogging. There were two articles which really caught my interest. One of the articles is found at, read about it by clicking here. The other one is something I found at, to view it, click here.
The articles got me thinking, and unconsciously based on what I have read, I started making up my own list of reasons to start blogging. And here they are:
  1. I like to write and share stories and ideas.
  2. It can be fun if I make it to be.
  3. With it, I could share a good laugh.
  4. I read that bloggers can make a career out of it and that inspires me.
Yeah, right. I decided to begin to write a blog. However, there is one bit of a problem: I have no idea what to blog about and how to write it. It took me three days at least before I came up with this in the form of a rage comic. Yeah, you read it right. Blogging in the form of rage comics. And yes, I constantly visit 9gag. Read on...

Afterwards, the idea of what kind of style should I blog and what to blog about dawned on me. And the result is what you can see here exactly on this post. I do hope you had a laugh at least. See you on my next post.

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