Saturday, July 23, 2016

A Rare Thing in DotA2 Sea Server

As I have stated in my "About me" page section, I myself am a gamer. And yes, I do play Dota2. Just like everybody else, I'm quite excited to see who is going to be on top at "The 6th International" tournament aka TI6.

If you are new to this, I have two things to say to you. First is that you should get out of the rock you live under more often. You deserve some exciting entertainment, and if you, in any sense, enjoy video games, then watching this tournament is definitely for you. Second, if you'd like more information regarding the upcoming TI6, click here and it'll take you to the GosuGamers Event page. It is a community of gamers, for gamers, by gamers.

Oh by the way, some say that the TI6 is just a small event. But I think, as of the time of writing, the $18.2 million prize pool begs to differ. Yeah you read it right. EIGHTEEN POINT FRICKING TWO MILLION DOLLARS.
Here's a screenshot of the prize pool I took as I was about to play earlier.
Now going on to the point of this post as I have written on the title, you may be guessing as to what is this rare thing I'm talking about. Let me give you a backstory for context purpose. I play DotA2 in the SEA server,the most TOXIC server of them all. I believe that should be in Guinness, seriously. If you don't believe me, here is a thread of reasons why ---> "Thread why SEA is the most toxic DotA2 server"

Another thing to consider is that I play as flexible as I can. And in SEA server, it is trending for people to do a first-pick-carry thing. And me being the flexible player that I am, gets to play support about 99.99% of the time.

Now what is that rare thing I'm talking about? Well to put it into perspective, it is this:
Believe it or not, the amount of support players in the SEA server is a damn minority. Everybody else in there wants to play as the star. I have nothing against that as long as they have skills. Unfortunately, 9 out of 10 times, they don't. *Facepalm in silence* And what's worse is that they always blame their teammates. *Another Facepalm is absolutely needed here*

Going back, before I drone on with reasons why SEA is toxic, this is my response to the rare thing which was my teammate. Additionally, this player right here communicates well with the team.
I just hope that the community of gamers at SEA becomes more like this one. Win or lose, I didn't mind because this rare thing made my game a lot more fun than usual. We won the match by the way. I'm no pro-player but this game made my morning.
By the way, if you'd care to play, add me up on steam. Anti-Thesis is thy name. GGWP

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