Friday, July 22, 2016

Top 5 Tips for Pokemon GO Safe Play

Alright, here's the deal. Continuing on from my previous post regarding the Top 3 Reasons Leading to Pokemon GO Related Accidents, I got myself thinking as to what can people do in order to keep themselves from harm. So it got me thinking like this:

Generally, it is already broadly explained in the "Safe Play" clause of the Pokemon Terms of Service how people can prevent such accidents from happening to them. However, since most people do not read the terms of service, and since most people still do not have some common sense, I'm writing this post now to help them make the Pokemon GO experience a hell of a lot safer for everybody.

So this is me saying....

  1. Do not play while walking on traffic. There are other places wherein you would be able to play without any form of hazard.
  2. I know how hard-headed people can be. If you still prefer to wander on the streets playing, it is highly suggested that you go in pairs. One person would be focused on playing two phones, while the other is focused on not getting hurt for both. I highly suggest this to couples. It gives them more reason to hold hands and share the love.
  3. Do not play and drive. There is already a law where people get tickets for talking on the mobile phone while driving. I guess there should be bigger fines for driving and playing. With the driver focus not completely on the road, this might seem to have a more drastic effect to society than DUI.
  4. Again, since people tend to be hard-headed, here's an economical tip which allows playing while driving. It is similar to tip number 2, however, one person gets the privilege of "riding shotgun". One person focuses on driving and not running anybody over while the "shotgun" focuses on the Pokemon. To be more economical, why not bring along more friends, that's the reason why there is a backseat, you genius nincompoop.
  5. And if everything is not applicable to you because you are a forever alone kind of person, do not be alarmed. This idea I've seen online deserves merit and is a perfect solution for you: Hire a Pokemon GO Pro Helper. Yeah, you heard me damn right so watch this.
Video Credits to YOUTUBET MF

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