Thursday, July 28, 2016

5 Things not Mentioned in my About Me Page

So here you are, reading on my posts about gaming and stuff. And instead of updating that section of my page right from the bat. I'd like to take this chance to make a post on it instead.

1. I really do rage irl... Basically, there are times where I do the memes I post, literally and figuratively. Who would have thought of that?

2. I'm trying to make a career in writing with these blogpages. Well, yeah, who wouldn't want that? As an individual who likes to write, express, and share stories, it would definitely be awesome if I'd get to a point in time where I make a decent living out of it. So in this case, I'd like to ask

3. I only have 3800 solo MMR. Yeah you read it right. With me playing Dota2 using just the mouse, it's hard already. And in addition to that, I play at SEA where most of the public ranked match players make you wanna go

4. I like playing mind games too. But not the type of mind games when you're in a relationship. Oh hell no,  I'm not referring to that type of mind games, not that kind please. Much rather, I like them mind games which pique my critical thinking such as games like sudoku, riddles, and chess. Why? Because it helps stimulate the mind, it is fun, it is challenging, and at the end of it all, makes one feel

5. Lastly, speaking of chess. I got a friend here who is starting her own blog about it. She's been playing competitively across our country and she's a good one. She's starting with her blog on technical stuff about chess and you can find her page by clicking here. Make sure to check her out.

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