Monday, July 25, 2016

DotA2 Signed Poster: EHome

As you know, I'm a DotA 2 gamer. A fan, an enthusiast even. And just like any other fan out there to any sporting event, memorabilia is something of a collectible.

For basketball fans, there are the NBA cards, jerseys, and shoes among any other collectible items. As for us E-Sports fans, well, there are jerseys, jackets, equipment such as mice and keyboards, et cetera.

Now the reason for this post is just mainly for one item which was given unto me by a bro. Thanks very much bro. It's nothing much as some people might say, but for me, it is definitely worth something. So without further ado, here it is below: A poster from the ESL One Tournament held here in Manila last April 23 and 24, 2016.
And yes, it was signed by the members of EHome. A participant in the tournament, who sadly, was unable to reach the top. But despite that fact, the poster in itself looks cool. For those who're wondering what the vehicle is, it is a jeepney. It is the most used means of public transportation here in Manila, and in a sense, has become an iconic representation of the country.

Additionally, there are Filipino DotA2 Gamer quotes in there which "Pinoy Gamers" would only understand such as "Basta jungler, sweet lover." and "Support = Libre Sakay". I wonder how true those are...

Now having my mitts on this has made me want to game right now. So this is going to be me in a few minutes because I'm playing at SEA server.

Sorry, no potato this time.

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