Thursday, July 28, 2016

5 Things not Mentioned in my About Me Page

So here you are, reading on my posts about gaming and stuff. And instead of updating that section of my page right from the bat. I'd like to take this chance to make a post on it instead.

1. I really do rage irl... Basically, there are times where I do the memes I post, literally and figuratively. Who would have thought of that?

2. I'm trying to make a career in writing with these blogpages. Well, yeah, who wouldn't want that? As an individual who likes to write, express, and share stories, it would definitely be awesome if I'd get to a point in time where I make a decent living out of it. So in this case, I'd like to ask

3. I only have 3800 solo MMR. Yeah you read it right. With me playing Dota2 using just the mouse, it's hard already. And in addition to that, I play at SEA where most of the public ranked match players make you wanna go

4. I like playing mind games too. But not the type of mind games when you're in a relationship. Oh hell no,  I'm not referring to that type of mind games, not that kind please. Much rather, I like them mind games which pique my critical thinking such as games like sudoku, riddles, and chess. Why? Because it helps stimulate the mind, it is fun, it is challenging, and at the end of it all, makes one feel

5. Lastly, speaking of chess. I got a friend here who is starting her own blog about it. She's been playing competitively across our country and she's a good one. She's starting with her blog on technical stuff about chess and you can find her page by clicking here. Make sure to check her out.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Pro-Gaming Tips for Getting a Girl

It is common stereotype for gamers to be considered as forever alone kinds of people. And there is that legend wherein if you reach thirty years old as a virgin, you become a wizard.

I understand it can be hard for us gamers to be even not awkward around women, much more be in a relationship with one. And in addition to that, all of us are probably looking for that one girl who we would like to ask "Will you be my healer?"...

The problem is, well, how to get one. However, worry not my brother-in-arms, for Admiral Bulldog here has a video demonstration on what exactly a gamer can do to get the girl. And not just any girl, but a girl gamer. I stumbled upon this video as one of my friends shared it. Have fun and learn y'all...

Monday, July 25, 2016

DotA2 Signed Poster: EHome

As you know, I'm a DotA 2 gamer. A fan, an enthusiast even. And just like any other fan out there to any sporting event, memorabilia is something of a collectible.

For basketball fans, there are the NBA cards, jerseys, and shoes among any other collectible items. As for us E-Sports fans, well, there are jerseys, jackets, equipment such as mice and keyboards, et cetera.

Now the reason for this post is just mainly for one item which was given unto me by a bro. Thanks very much bro. It's nothing much as some people might say, but for me, it is definitely worth something. So without further ado, here it is below: A poster from the ESL One Tournament held here in Manila last April 23 and 24, 2016.
And yes, it was signed by the members of EHome. A participant in the tournament, who sadly, was unable to reach the top. But despite that fact, the poster in itself looks cool. For those who're wondering what the vehicle is, it is a jeepney. It is the most used means of public transportation here in Manila, and in a sense, has become an iconic representation of the country.

Additionally, there are Filipino DotA2 Gamer quotes in there which "Pinoy Gamers" would only understand such as "Basta jungler, sweet lover." and "Support = Libre Sakay". I wonder how true those are...

Now having my mitts on this has made me want to game right now. So this is going to be me in a few minutes because I'm playing at SEA server.

Sorry, no potato this time.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

A Rare Thing in DotA2 Sea Server

As I have stated in my "About me" page section, I myself am a gamer. And yes, I do play Dota2. Just like everybody else, I'm quite excited to see who is going to be on top at "The 6th International" tournament aka TI6.

If you are new to this, I have two things to say to you. First is that you should get out of the rock you live under more often. You deserve some exciting entertainment, and if you, in any sense, enjoy video games, then watching this tournament is definitely for you. Second, if you'd like more information regarding the upcoming TI6, click here and it'll take you to the GosuGamers Event page. It is a community of gamers, for gamers, by gamers.

Oh by the way, some say that the TI6 is just a small event. But I think, as of the time of writing, the $18.2 million prize pool begs to differ. Yeah you read it right. EIGHTEEN POINT FRICKING TWO MILLION DOLLARS.
Here's a screenshot of the prize pool I took as I was about to play earlier.
Now going on to the point of this post as I have written on the title, you may be guessing as to what is this rare thing I'm talking about. Let me give you a backstory for context purpose. I play DotA2 in the SEA server,the most TOXIC server of them all. I believe that should be in Guinness, seriously. If you don't believe me, here is a thread of reasons why ---> "Thread why SEA is the most toxic DotA2 server"

Another thing to consider is that I play as flexible as I can. And in SEA server, it is trending for people to do a first-pick-carry thing. And me being the flexible player that I am, gets to play support about 99.99% of the time.

Now what is that rare thing I'm talking about? Well to put it into perspective, it is this:
Believe it or not, the amount of support players in the SEA server is a damn minority. Everybody else in there wants to play as the star. I have nothing against that as long as they have skills. Unfortunately, 9 out of 10 times, they don't. *Facepalm in silence* And what's worse is that they always blame their teammates. *Another Facepalm is absolutely needed here*

Going back, before I drone on with reasons why SEA is toxic, this is my response to the rare thing which was my teammate. Additionally, this player right here communicates well with the team.
I just hope that the community of gamers at SEA becomes more like this one. Win or lose, I didn't mind because this rare thing made my game a lot more fun than usual. We won the match by the way. I'm no pro-player but this game made my morning.
By the way, if you'd care to play, add me up on steam. Anti-Thesis is thy name. GGWP

Friday, July 22, 2016

Top 5 Tips for Pokemon GO Safe Play

Alright, here's the deal. Continuing on from my previous post regarding the Top 3 Reasons Leading to Pokemon GO Related Accidents, I got myself thinking as to what can people do in order to keep themselves from harm. So it got me thinking like this:

Generally, it is already broadly explained in the "Safe Play" clause of the Pokemon Terms of Service how people can prevent such accidents from happening to them. However, since most people do not read the terms of service, and since most people still do not have some common sense, I'm writing this post now to help them make the Pokemon GO experience a hell of a lot safer for everybody.

So this is me saying....

  1. Do not play while walking on traffic. There are other places wherein you would be able to play without any form of hazard.
  2. I know how hard-headed people can be. If you still prefer to wander on the streets playing, it is highly suggested that you go in pairs. One person would be focused on playing two phones, while the other is focused on not getting hurt for both. I highly suggest this to couples. It gives them more reason to hold hands and share the love.
  3. Do not play and drive. There is already a law where people get tickets for talking on the mobile phone while driving. I guess there should be bigger fines for driving and playing. With the driver focus not completely on the road, this might seem to have a more drastic effect to society than DUI.
  4. Again, since people tend to be hard-headed, here's an economical tip which allows playing while driving. It is similar to tip number 2, however, one person gets the privilege of "riding shotgun". One person focuses on driving and not running anybody over while the "shotgun" focuses on the Pokemon. To be more economical, why not bring along more friends, that's the reason why there is a backseat, you genius nincompoop.
  5. And if everything is not applicable to you because you are a forever alone kind of person, do not be alarmed. This idea I've seen online deserves merit and is a perfect solution for you: Hire a Pokemon GO Pro Helper. Yeah, you heard me damn right so watch this.
Video Credits to YOUTUBET MF

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Top 3 Reasons Leading to Pokemon GO Related Accidents

One of the most recently trending things globally today is Pokemon GO. Hoo-haaah! 90's nostalgia! Why you ask? Because the first Pokemon games were released by Nintendo for the handheld console GameBoy on 1996. That is why a large portion of the people playing it today are, well, 90's kids. According to a news article, over 40% of its players today are aged 25 and up. This is the generation who played Pokemon for hours, where battling and trading was essential and done using a Link Cable, and the generation who rages like

However today, there are numerous news and reports of accidents relating to playing Pokemon GO. The accidents vary from the simplest fall while walking up to even crashing a car. Crashing a fricking car. Don't believe me? Check it out right here.
I am one of the 90's kids. But seriously, this makes me want to do this: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Here's a rage comic so I better show you my reaction and how I feel towards the news article of a guy crashing his car because he's playing while driving.

Feel me now? Ok. Good. Moving, some organizations are reported to see the game as the main cause of the accidents for various reasons. However, I did some simple research on the web and I found something extremely crucial: The Terms of Service of Pokemon GO.
You can read the entirety of the terms by clicking right here. But here is my point, there is a "Safe Play" clause in there. The first sentence written under it is this:

"During game play, please be aware of your surroundings and play safely. You agree that your use of the App and play of the game is at your own risk, and it is your responsibility to maintain such health, liability, hazard, personal injury, medical, life, and other insurance policies as you deem reasonably necessary for any injuries that you may incur while using the Services." Source:

Please be aware of your surroundings! You cannot be 100% of your surroundings if you are focused on one thing, your phone. Let alone be doing that while driving, genius.

Okay. Going back on track, here are the reasons leading to the Pokemon GO related accidents.

  1. Players did not fully read the Terms of Service. I think this is something I understand. Why? Because most people would just say
  2. The ones involved in the accidents seem to have no common sense. Although it is saddening, common sense these days is not so common. It's rare; probably as rare as finding a Mewtwo.
  3. With reason number 2 being mentioned, some people just tend to be dumb.
Well, I think I've written enough on this. And of course since this may seem like a long post, here is your potato
Potato credits to source:

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Reasons to Blog + How I started blogging

Hi there. Welcome to my first blog posting. And for this post, let me tell you a story of how I came to start blogging. So here goes...
It started when I read some articles on reasons to start blogging. There were two articles which really caught my interest. One of the articles is found at, read about it by clicking here. The other one is something I found at, to view it, click here.
The articles got me thinking, and unconsciously based on what I have read, I started making up my own list of reasons to start blogging. And here they are:
  1. I like to write and share stories and ideas.
  2. It can be fun if I make it to be.
  3. With it, I could share a good laugh.
  4. I read that bloggers can make a career out of it and that inspires me.
Yeah, right. I decided to begin to write a blog. However, there is one bit of a problem: I have no idea what to blog about and how to write it. It took me three days at least before I came up with this in the form of a rage comic. Yeah, you read it right. Blogging in the form of rage comics. And yes, I constantly visit 9gag. Read on...

Afterwards, the idea of what kind of style should I blog and what to blog about dawned on me. And the result is what you can see here exactly on this post. I do hope you had a laugh at least. See you on my next post.