Monday, April 16, 2018

4 Things I miss about Youtube

Over the years, Youtube has evolved endlessly from being just a simple video sharing platform. On a personal note, Youtube is somewhat okay with me as it is today. However there are a fair few things that I miss about the older version of it. In context, these things I miss about the old Youtube is a result of a few changes made recently.

  1. Uncensored music - This has truly made an irritating etch for watching videos and listening to music. Particularly with songs made in the 90's and early 2000's where censored words made a huge difference in the song when it got censored out. The censorship is taking the context out of the artistry and is lowering the level of listening experience. Remove it for fucks sake. Please. God dammit.
  2. True freedom of expression - This is partially tangent with the censorship that got implemented. Since the implementation of censorship, expressing what creators truly wish to convey has become somewhat harder to do. I do understand that showing anger or any emotion have "family friendly" versions, but these do not have the same impact.

    Consequently, the metrics for what is being expressed tended to follow standards of fucking social justice warriors. Needless to say, expressing opinion that disagrees with the opinion of others is actually now considered as "hate speech". What the fuck happened to their tagline "Broadcast Yourself"?
  3. Wider content categories - With the implementation of the so called need for "Family Oriented" content, it has become harder for some creators to make videos that are aligned with their respective categories, particularly some comedy approaches, dark humor, satire, personal opinion, and others. This is because every content must be appropriate to be watched by minors.

    I do understand that children friendly content must be watched by kids, but why is the responsibility of ensuring that kids watch appropriate videos the responsibility of the creators? The kind of videos that the kids watch is primarily a responsibility of the parents. Why are the creators experiencing majority of the repercussions just because there are shitty parents?
  4. Grade A Under A - I'm a fan of this comedy content creator. The channel and its content is simple, rants about stuff presented with rage and comedy using the simplest visuals. The rants and his opinion about stuff usually resonates with mine, so that makes his content much funnier to me at the very least. However, the changes within Youtube is something that gravely affects this channel. And he has been in hiatus for quite some time now. Where you at Grade?

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