Sunday, April 22, 2018

Social Media Advertising Strategies that Works Wonders

If you are a newbie advertiser or a seasoned one who seeks inspiration for a current campaign, then this article is explicitly a must read for you. The growth of social media platforms has made an extremely tremendous impact on the digital advertising paradigm. The evolution and innovation of advertising from its root principles is simply astounding. And what's more, the transitions are happening at a rapid pace which may be somewhat of a challenge for various marketing strategists today.

Herewith is a series of advertising strategies or approaches which, through days of observation on various platforms, generate the most trending ads. And as a marketing consultant, these methods are the key concepts which may be deemed to be most effective for creating ads for social media + samples for each.

Fun bubble - Advertisements in this category are those which convey a whole lot of energy. It could be funny or something silly, but the main point is that it is engaging and simply puts a smile on the audience's face. One goofy example are ads by Terry Crews for Old Spice deodorant.

Hot chick/hunk front - Advertisements under this category are quite simple. These ads get viral through the power of endorsement by a pretty (and in most cases, an appealing physique). In the former generation of advertising, this generally appeals to male audiences which is why most male-oriented products such as cars, beer, and fighting matches tend to have female endorsers. It works because, well, a pretty face and a hot bod is sure to always get some attention just like in the sample below.

Tag-a-friend-on-something-silly - This one is most common for social media business pages. And it generates a lot of generic views with its simple call to action of tagging a friend. Additionally, it invokes the audience subconscious and memory on something they have already experienced depending on the content which gives it more powerful for retention.

Amazeballs - One of my favorites because making such ads take effort and of course a budget. As the name suggests, the goal of such advertisements is to make audience jaws drop. Call to actions for these type of ads typically involve a purchase. It's very much direct to the point, and it works. Just take a look at this one.

Inspiration - The most powerful among the lot in my opinion. Inspirational ads always invoke the deepest emotions within people, AND takes them on a roller coaster ride with it. It is a very psychological approach in advertising. It takes up the context that any event which gets attached onto a strong emotion is something that people store in their long term memory, thus making people remember the ad forever. In my opinion, the best advertisers under this category are Thai commercials. Just take a look-see on the sample, I'm willing to bet you already have a memory of seeing it.

These five types of ads generally make up majority of the ads we see all over social media today. And I'm guessing you already identified within this article why they work. And these could work for you and your business if done appropriately.

Want a consult for your amazing social media advertisement? Just ask using the contact form at the left hand side of the page or contact me through my social media links. Happy advertising.

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