Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Bonzai Melo Music - True Eargasm

I'll be blunt. I shy away from most mainstream chart-ranking music hits. Why? Because I always find auto-tuned and senseless tracks at the top these days. Eargasm is what I seek and this is why I look for under-the-radar artists. Thankfully, Youtube serves as a platform for me to find those who perform real music, with real instruments, and real talent. And nothing compares to original compositions when it comes to being real.

I'm no professional but I do have my preferences on what I consider as good quality music. Fortunately, I came across the Youtube channel of Bonzai Melo. She plays melodic original compositions and some covers as well. And let me tell you this, hers is the kind of music which truly invokes emotions that relates to real life stories. Blended along with a smooth rhythmic ensemble, I find her audio tracks to give an eargasm just like this song entitled "Coffee Gone Cold" which is one of her original compositions.

If you feel this kind of music, let's show some love and support so don't forget to click on the subscribe button in her channel. PLUS don't forget to follow her social media page on Facebook which is Bonzai Melo MUSIC.

And for the meantime, let's sit back, relax, drink some coffee, and enjoy her music.

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