Friday, April 13, 2018

Cooling down the Anti-Thesis Way

I'll be honest with everyone and admit that I overslept today. I woke up an hour before noon and I'll be lying if I claim that today isn't one of the hottest days so far. And maybe I kinda woke up feeling like so....

However, there are a few things I have designed myself to help me through such times. What I needed exactly right then and there is something to wake me up while cooling me down. Not bragging or anything, I made myself a recipe for such a need. And it was a good thing that I got all the ingredients ready in the fridge.

And as I'm writing this article down, I felt the need to share it with the world. It's so hot and humid these days that almost everybody is on a short fuse. With the hopes of being able to help somebody chill out thru my recipe, I'm more than happy to share it with the world.

What you need:

  • Coffee (I prefer a Nescafe 3-in-1)
  • Cocoa powder (Or powdered chocolate drink)
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 3 ice cubes
  • 1/2 tsp honey
  • 1 scoop ice cream (I prefer rocky road or cookies and cream)
  • Marshmallows
How you make it.
  1. Dissolve coffee and cocoa powder in a mug of hot water
  2. Add ice cubes and honey.
  3. Cover the mug and shake contents until ice is about half melted.
  4. Add ice cream.
  5. Place marshmallows.
The end result is............... et voila>>>>>>>>
The nerd in me considers naming this certain concoction as a coolant potion with energizing effects. 

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