Saturday, April 14, 2018

A World Without Facebook Troll Video

On April Fools, a prank video was uploaded regarding the deletion of Facebook as a platform. The video content is regarding how it is supposed to get shut down. Fortunately, there's a copy of the said video uploaded within Youtube.
However, things seem to have gotten out of hand for an April Fools' joke. It now comes along with a quasi-chain-message stuff. It's actually quite funny (in a scary kind of way) because I never thought that people on social media these days are severely gullible and extremely easy to manipulate.

Talk about stupidity and gullibility, come the f*uck on... The first 5 seconds of the video is obviously edited out. Just take a look at the unsymmetrical mouth placement. Geezus fricking Kryst, Zuck is too awkward to look at right there. Additionally, the ending credits clearly show that it is a film, therefore it is not an official announcement.

It would have been okay if I got a similar message on April Fools, but I'll be damned because I got one about 48 hours ago. It is frightening that some people are taking the video seriously. Without pausing to think at the very least.

For those who actually participated and forwarded the video and the chain message stuff, I sincerely and strongly suggest that you try to sell your brains on E-bay or someplace. You'd be able to sell it for a hefty price because it's slightly used.

On the other hand, kudos to Andrew Oleck who made and started the troll video. The editing is styled indeed for a troll video, plus the timing of its release couldn't be better.  However, the fact that the troll video went viral and is being taken seriously today is something to worry about. With the video on trending and the successful chain-message that went with it, it just clearly displays how awesomely stupid most people on social media are. I guess common sense indeed has become rare.

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