Sunday, December 23, 2018

Back on Stream!

I've finally got everything I need so that I can stream what I want on mobile games. I got an upgraded fiber line, new hardware (phone), and a condenser mic which works on pc and on phone.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Flight Anti-Thesis 001

I am now a PILOT and Anti-Thesis Flight 001 is about to take off.

All of us have dreams from our childhood that we wish to accomplish. If you may recall, as a kid, you might have been asked what you want to be when you grow up and your answers are some kind of profession. Maybe your answer was "I want to be a doctor." or "I want to be an engineer." or something like that. Mine was something like "I want to be a pilot."

Now, I'm sure all of you have heard of that old saying,

"Make a living out of something you love doing

and you will never work again in your life."

I can't recall the name of the important person who coined that or something similar, but it really rubbed onto me while growing up. And I really wanted to achieve that. Funny enough, you find resolutions out of something unexpected. Fate has a way of doing that, don't you think?

About a week ago, I offered giving account piloting services for Summoners War. Glad to say that I'm doing okay within the first few days of it. I actually invested in some additional hardware a few hours ago, and it's starting to feel so much worth it. Getting payed to play really does sound nice.

Friday, June 29, 2018

It's been a long while

Hey there. It's been a long while since my last rageblog; a really long time ago (about a few weeks). And a lot has happened since then. The International DotA2 Tourney is currently moving along; LeBron lost an opportunity again (I'm not a fan though); and Neymar is about to win an Oscar at the World Cup.

Just look at the rolling Neymar and corn memes at 9gag. It's like a long stream of that in the past 48 hours. And in addition is the ball kick to the face by Michy Batshuayhi. He is a good sport and a funny guy. Take a look at his tweet.

A lot has truly happened since my last post and I'm glad to say that I might just find the time to do some more regular postings starting today. So that's about it for now and I'll see you guys on my next one.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Site Building: Dimayuga Consultants

Seriously, I'm backed up with my postings in here. And I do have to apologize for that. I'm quite sure some readers are wondering what in the world happened to me.

Well, simply put, I got busy. The need to allot large chunks of time towards my current endeavor is a necessity. I have to admit, this project I'm working on is something that made me actually put some focus back into my daily life. What is it that I'm doing? I'm building a website.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Marketing Note to Self: Inspirational Bull Always gets Trending

So the video above got to trending across a lot of social media platforms. It's got 47k views on Youtube and 1.6M views on Facebook 3 hours after it got posted. So I gave it a chance and watched it. No wonder, it went viral in a short period of time. It's a brilliant illogical mess.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Starting a Candy Company: Elon Musk says he is Super Serious

So this happened. Elon Musk tweeted about starting his very own candy company; and he is super super serious about it. As a marketing person, I tweeted fast as I could how I'd be more than willing to be part of his distribution team.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Some things that really grinds my gears

I'm quite allergic to seeing emotional bullshit on social media. I mean, there are a lot of bullshitry out there that goes viral. And it's funny how such things are just quasi-justifications of people with bad manners for their stupidity and actions.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Product Impression - Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus

Before anything else, I'm going to say that I pretty much prefer android phones for personal use. Nothing against IOS and Apple fans, but it's just a matter of preference which is directly affected by what I use my smartphone for. That's why I'm on the look out for new releases and if I deem them attention-worthy, I'm going to write about it. And in this article, the Samsung Galaxy S9 priced at $720 and S9 Plus priced at $840 really caught my attention.

As planned, I'm going to make a simple break down of things for my product impression articles. It's going to be composed of three main points of discussions: Specs and Performance, and Use (this section is just a discussion of what I would use the product for if I have it)

Specs and Performance
My first impression of the general specifications of the S9 and S9 Plus is that they're very much an upgrade of its predecessors. The super AMOLED displays 5.8-inch (S9) and 6.2-inch (S9+) displays with high pixel densities (570ppi for S9 and 529ppi for S9+) are superb. The screens are quite large though which makes the phone quite unconfortable to be placed in the pockets of your jeans.

Both versions run on Oreo Android 8.0 using an Exynos 9810 chipset with a Mali-G72 MP18 GPU. In addition, it packs 6gb of RAM which means that multi-tasking is never going to be an issue. Additionally, these babies come in with a large phone storage where a 64GB internal memory size is the smallest you can go. Personally, I think the storage sizes come that way in order to accommodate video file sizes.

The cameras in these units are selected quite nicely. However, the lenses are not exceptional and in my opinion could still be better. However, video recording quality may be expected to be great since video resolutions go up to 2160p@60fps. This would be like having an HD Video recorder with crisp slow-motion footage capabilities that fit in your hand.

Use (What would I use it for?)
Considering the specs and prices these Galaxy Phones offer top rated performances. In line with such, I could think of a lot of uses for them (if I could get my grubby mitts on one). And here's a list of the most productive things I would do with them coming off the top of my head as I'm writing this article.

  1. Hand-held research - As a business and marketing consultant, doing research is part of my work routine. The specs are greater than most of the typical office desktop. These smartphones would suit my daily work magnificently as an extremely portable computer that's perfect for doing research, reading trends, and keeping myself updated with market situations.
  2. Making videos - As I mentioned, the phones have recording resolutions going up to 2160p at 60 frames per second. This feature alone would allow me to make the best and sharpest looking videos. The frame rate makes the videos even better because it sets the difference between a good video and a spectacular one. It also allows making smooth slow-mo videos which is perfect for  making advertisements and content.
  3. Video and Photo Editing - HD photo and video processing would be a walk in the park. The GPU, RAM, and octacore chipset enables the S9 and S9+ to have processing power which is more than enough than the requirements for photo-video processing softwares even in the PC platform. I expect that rendering effects, trimming, and fine tuning is cakewalk.
  4. Mobile Games - Playing is a part of my daily life. So it is definitely going on this list of what I'd use the Galaxy S9 and S9+ for. In all honesty, I did a short search of the requirements for most high end games and I can safely conclude that the specs of these phones are way above the requirements of most mobile games to run on the highest settings.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The 7th Infinity Stone

Avengers: Infinity War premiered in the Philippines about 24 hours ago from this posting. And we can't deny how avid Filipino fans are of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, there are also Pinoy fans who have creative minds who could create theories and such.

Worry not about spoilers because this article isn't one. this is nothing but a creative-troll post regarding the Infinity War trend.

Perhaps one of the most creative suggestions regarding the movie is that there is a 7th Infinity stone. And much more crazy is that Filipino lore or I'd like to call it as the Filipino Comic Universe, suggests that the 7th Infinity Stone is held by one of local comic superheroes, Darna, whose powers come from swallowing a stone... an infinity stone.

I know it's a whackjob of a theory, but hey, it's funny and creative for us Pinoy fans. And I'm willing to bet that we would be mind-blown towards a clash of character universes if ever there is even just a cross over short film with Darna in MCU.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Attention-worthy Content Creators

For most people who are beginning to make their footprints in the digital community, it is always a challenge to get that initial volume of audiences to get you started. This is something that is experienced by all on every kind of content such as blogs, videos, music and other types across all platforms. This holds true for me today as well.

Initial Article Under Cool Stuff Category

Just as I wrote on social media about 24 hours ago, I'm going to add another category here in my page which would generally fall under the premise of a product review. And I've been thinking about what to label it.

After careful consideration of random stuff in my life, I arrived with the category label of "Cool Stuff to Buy" since I'm a marketing professional who's in the Amazon Affiliate Program anyway. So keep in touch with me and my page since I'll be going to make a lot of articles on stuff you can buy at Amazon. They always have new releases which you can see here Shop Amazon - Hot New Releases - Updated Every Hour.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Social Media Advertising Strategies that Works Wonders

If you are a newbie advertiser or a seasoned one who seeks inspiration for a current campaign, then this article is explicitly a must read for you. The growth of social media platforms has made an extremely tremendous impact on the digital advertising paradigm. The evolution and innovation of advertising from its root principles is simply astounding. And what's more, the transitions are happening at a rapid pace which may be somewhat of a challenge for various marketing strategists today.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Summoners War Developers Should Consider Adding this Feature

Well done for Summoners War Development and Admin Teams for the 4th Year Anniversary event. The game is god damn four years old. It's a toddler already guys. And similar to a toddler, it should be able to do a lot more stuff than before.

These days, if we are going to listen to majority of the SW gaming community, there are a lot of suggestions which they feel should make the game much better. And I'd like to join in on that discussion.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

My Forecast for High Success Rating Businesses in the Philippines 2018 - 2020

The Philippine economic structure is gradually taking a turn in the past two years or so. It is documented how majority of government efforts were focused on infrastructure developments. To quote Mara K. Warwick in her delivery,

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Bonzai Melo Music - True Eargasm

I'll be blunt. I shy away from most mainstream chart-ranking music hits. Why? Because I always find auto-tuned and senseless tracks at the top these days. Eargasm is what I seek and this is why I look for under-the-radar artists. Thankfully, Youtube serves as a platform for me to find those who perform real music, with real instruments, and real talent. And nothing compares to original compositions when it comes to being real.

Monday, April 16, 2018

4 Things I miss about Youtube

Over the years, Youtube has evolved endlessly from being just a simple video sharing platform. On a personal note, Youtube is somewhat okay with me as it is today. However there are a fair few things that I miss about the older version of it. In context, these things I miss about the old Youtube is a result of a few changes made recently.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

A World Without Facebook Troll Video

On April Fools, a prank video was uploaded regarding the deletion of Facebook as a platform. The video content is regarding how it is supposed to get shut down. Fortunately, there's a copy of the said video uploaded within Youtube.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Cooling down the Anti-Thesis Way

I'll be honest with everyone and admit that I overslept today. I woke up an hour before noon and I'll be lying if I claim that today isn't one of the hottest days so far. And maybe I kinda woke up feeling like so....

However, there are a few things I have designed myself to help me through such times. What I needed exactly right then and there is something to wake me up while cooling me down. Not bragging or anything, I made myself a recipe for such a need. And it was a good thing that I got all the ingredients ready in the fridge.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Exciting Game Releases for 2018

I won't deny the nerdy side of me to anyone. And the nerd in me always gets excited when new upcoming games gets hit by the spotlight for its release.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

How to Start Your Own Business with Digital Marketing

I may not look like it, but I am a Marketing Major with certification for Inbound Marketing. In light of recent events in my life, I've decided to put my knowledge and expertise within the boundaries of business and marketing to good use apart from providing local consultancy services. And that's where this section of my blog comes in, Business and Marketing.

And since this is my initial posting under this category, I deem it only expected to make an article regarding how to begin. Herewith is an excerpt from yours truly on how starting a business today is supposed to be. Business and marketing are concepts which go hand-in-hand and continuously evolving. Although the principles remain the same, but the processes change.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Realtalk: The Problem with Rules of Survival

Rules of survival started out as a mobile game. It's a Battle Royale so you can just imagine how exciting a game could be. Also, the devs released a PC version of the game earlier in 2018. It was a cool game to begin with. Light on the hardware requirements, easy access with log-in using your facebook or google accounts, and it's fast paced.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Problem with Modern Feminists

Feminism has always been the term connoted with the activities and efforts by groups in order for women to have the same rights and privileges. Most prominent and important was the right of suffrage (AKA the right to vote) which was part of the movement for eradicating legal inequalities some time in the 19th century.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Summoners War Hot Issue - 100% Arena Win Rate Bug

There has been some grave issues regarding the game security of Summoners War. Apart from the hacking issues, the glitch/bug for 100% Arena win rate is another hot topic.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Summoners War Rebel with a Cause

Summoners War continuously gets more heat as players around the globe point out more problems in the framework of the game. And sometimes, when a player gets pissed off due to the said problems, extreme courses of actions happen. Specially when that pissed-off player has mad skills.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Shootings in USA: The Most WTF Issue in 1st Quarter of 2018

As I was browsing the web for news (and at the same time 9gag), the issue of school shootings in the US caught my attention. It was definitely a WTF moment for me because my initial reaction was...
Image from the tweet of  @brooklynn_kayy

Thursday, February 22, 2018

February 2018 Top Ranking Free-to-Play Mobile Games

As a mobile video games aficionado, I browse and check Google Playstore from time to time in order to check out new games I could play. Earlier this morning, I did and it dawned on me that I should blog about such stuff. So here I am.

To begin, here's a photo of what's in there. In the list ranked 1-5 are Rules of Survival (aka ROS), Wordscape, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, Word Link, and Free Fire: Battlegrounds.

I do understand that these rankings might seem surprising for a hardcore gamer considering that there are two word-related games, Wordscape and Word Link, at the top of the charts. However, it cannot be denied that such casual games have a certain amount of appeal for casual players just looking for something to pass the time by.

On the other hand, the other three games are something to look forward to for an action-packed gaming experience on-the-go. Let's break 'em down after the jump.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Reached Level 100 in Kingdom Hearts Tutorial: Month-long Endeavor

A friend shared on social media this link regarding how a gamer spent 210 hours playing the tutorial phase of Kingdom Hearts. The goal in the video was to reach Level 100 while in the tutorial phase.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Le me prepping for video editing

It's been a while since I started making youtube videos on Summoners War. And as far as I can see, I'd benefit if I tried to do some "professional-looking editing" on my vids. So I decided to try out a video editing app, satisfied with it, and purchased it. I got the PowerDirector Mobile.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Hot and Trending Indeed - Flamethrower

Trending, trending, trending. Trending is The Boring Company's Flamethrower.
And hot it is indeed, just see at how awesome it looks and you'd be saying "That's hot."

Monday, January 29, 2018

My way of saying thanks

A few days ago, I decided to try to make the most out of making rage comics. I thought that I could use such to write a blog and called it "RageBlogging". However, I was having doubts with myself so I decided to check out if what I'd be doing would be found funny by netizens and is worth the effort. To do that, I posted my first rage comic (check it by clicking here) on 9gag.

Karma's a bitch vine - Through my eyes

I've been doing some effort to keep up with what's trending. And in doing so, I came across this so called "Karma's a Bitch" vine/meme which was said to have been initially done by some Chinese netizens.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Weapon of Mosquito Destruction

I guess it is safe to say that each and everyone of us has experienced being annoyed by a mosquito that youu cannot catch. And somehow, you end up doing something like Saitama did

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Summoners War Patch notes Jan 26 2018

Well, patchnotes are here and probably will make tremendous impact to the game.
There is a lot going on but if I may summarize it:

Friday, January 26, 2018

My two cents on the Tide Pod Challenge

I do not have any conclusive idea as to how majority of the population seem to become dumber each and every day. I mean take a look at one of the most recent thing that went viral: the frickin' tide pod challenge, where teens "EAT" a detergent capsule/pod as shown in the picture.

For those who were doing that or about to do that, let me ask you this...

"What the f*ck is wrong with you!? You got missin' brain cells or something?"

So to for a story leading to my damn question, let me tell it in the form of a rage comic shown below.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

I have found my inspiration

Blogging is much like doing the daily news, you need something to talk about. And in order to get some of that, you need to do some research.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

I'm back to RageBlogging

I'm back indeed. And I think I might want to go further into rageblogging and making a decent webpage. So help me guys to get inspired. And as an "I'm back" comic, well here is me saying that I'm going to be making more rage comics starting today.

I hope to make you laugh with my upcoming rage. xD

I'm back to blogging! Featuring Ramahan for my come-back post.

Yes indeed when I made my last posting on this blog page. It has been about a year from my last posting and I think I'm inspired again to write on this blog.

Thus, as they say... "Here we go again!" and go we shall.

So as an F2P heading back to blogging about summoners war, I'd like to share a video of one of the farmable monsters that's overlooked by about 99% of the players.

I'm talking about Ramahan, the Wind Inugami. He has a cool skill kit similar to Belladeon except for the Def-Based nuke 3rd skill - Smother. I understand that very few people use him but hey, check out his output in the try out video.